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Life Paths

Numerology holds that your birthday says something essential about your personality. More broadly, adherents of numerology believe that numbers, and the associations between them, are mystical and meaningful.

Destiny Number

Destiny Number is the total of one's date of birth and is therefore unique for every person. It makes the individual aware of his interest, his unique capabilities, attitudes and talents, leading him into the purpose of one's existence on earth.


What is Numerology?

Numerology is an ancient study that draws meaning from different numbers, number combinations, letters, and symbols in your life. This art can help us tap into the underlying patterns of the universe and reveal new truths about who we are.

What is Life Path

Life path numbers are calculated based on our birthdates, for example, using the birthday of December 26, 1989. That’s 12/26/1989, so 1+9+8+9 = 27, and 2+7 = 9. The day, 26, reduces to 8 (2+6), and the month, 12, reduces to 3 (1+2). So, 9+8+3 = 20. Finally, 2+0 = 2, so this person’s life path number is 2.

So we can think of life path numbers as the zodiac signs of numerology. These numbers speak to our core values, modus operandi, and overall missions in life. Life path numbers can be any single-digit number between 1 and 9 or one of the three master numbers, which are 11, 22, and 33. Each of these numbers is associated with unique qualities, strengths, and weaknesses — and it’s believed to hold deep meanings and wield significant influence over our paths in life.

The meaning of our life path number is to help us realize greater possibilities in our life and align with our soul purpose. They’re considered the most significant numbers in our numerology charts — similar to the importance of the sun sign in astrology. “Life path numbers help us on our personal hero’s journey, guiding us through stages toward completion,” Soleil says. “Life path number meanings will always bring us back to reality.”

What does my life path number mean?

Life Path Number

One is a natural-born leader, ambitious, and usually successful in the professional realm. Charming, diplomatic, and always interesting to be around. Ones are caring to the point that they may be overprotective and overbearing. May also be prone to anger issues.

Life Path Number

These people are deeply kind, caring, and empathetic. They’re often artists, though their skill for diffusing tense situations may also make them skilled as politicians. Deep sensitivity and conflict aversion can make 2s overly dependent in their relationships. They may have a hard time standing up for their needs.

Life Path Number

Threes love attention and generally come by it easily. They can achieve a great many things and are likely precocious as children. Always high energy. Just as quickly as threes start big, exciting projects, they often abandon them. Threes likely find it difficult to focus/commit and may become too focused on others’ perceptions of them.

Life Path Number

Threes love attention and generally come by it easily. They can achieve a great many things and are likely precocious as children. Always high energy. Just as quickly as threes start big, exciting projects, they often abandon them. Threes likely find it difficult to focus/commit and may become too focused on others’ perceptions of them.

Life Path Number

Fives are curious and intellectual, often making great journalists and educators—strong communication skills with a childlike sense of wonder for simple pleasures. Fives may indulge a little too much in their favourite hobbies/vices, like shopping or partying. It may also come off a bit superficial and noncommittal in relationships.

Life Path Number

This type is likely to be a vibrant speaker and activist, whether professionally or personally, on behalf of one’s loved ones. Their curiosity and compassion make them great lawyers, speakers, and therapists. Sixes may have a hard time with consistency, especially when taking care of themselves.

Life Path Number

Intensely creative with a solid and vivid imagination, sevens thrive in the inner world. They’re able to entertain themselves endlessly and are rarely bored. Unsurprisingly, this type can be a bit shy and may have a hard time connecting with other people. They may also have a hard time relaxing, constantly moving between work and constructive hobbies.

Life Path Number

Eights are good with money, aware of its omnipresence from a very young age. They’re ambitious and willing to work hard to be self-sufficient and comfortable. This type’s skill with money means they might be susceptible to grifters, whether professionally or personally. They’re also at risk of becoming workaholics.

Life Path Number

Nines are idealistic and deeply principled, unwilling to compromise their values in favour of convenience. They tend to be stylish, agreeable, and generous. This type risks codependency in personal relationships and may have trouble enjoying the present rather than focusing so heavily on their dreams for the future.

What is Destiny Number

Destiny Number is the total of one’s date of birth and is therefore unique for every person. It makes the individual aware of his interest, his unique capabilities, attitudes and talents, leading him into the purpose of one’s existence on earth. It is said to be the ‘lucky number’. It is calculated by adding all the numerals in one’s birth date and bring it down to one digit. E.g., a birth date of 2/09/1976 will give the destiny number of 7 (2+9+1+9+7+6= 34= 7). It also can be summed up by replacing birth complete name alphabets with corresponding numerals, e.g. A=1, D=4.

What does my Destiny Number Mean?

Destiny Number

This number shows that the person has natural, inbuilt leadership qualities and is a born leader. Therefore, such a person should train himself to be innovative, determined and bold with self-confidence and self-control. He should not be domineering, selfish, bossy, and arrogant or a bully. He should have the ability to independently think for himself as to what is right and act accordingly, paving one's way to lead others into what he considers proper. A leader should know any approaching problem, learn how to avoid them, and find a safe path.

Destiny Number

People with Number 2 as the destiny number have diplomatic capabilities. They make good peacemakers. For such a capability, a person will find themself to be prudent and persuasive. He should train himself to be peaceful, loving, kind, considerate, patient, gentle and understanding. He should not be very sensitive or easily carried away by other's emotions, talks or behaviour. He must take charge of moodiness and indecisiveness in himself. They must know how to help others by resolving their quarrels and differences even if he does not wish to do so. It is the right path of self-fulfilment.

Destiny Number

A possessor of number 3 as the destiny number excels in creating and maintaining relationships. He is optimistic, cheerful, confident, and friendly. He should teach himself to help others learn how to be bright and happy. He can be a great asset to those who have lost the joy and the zest of life by teaching them to live life to the fullest with joy and laughter. It is achievable by one's lifestyle and being articulate and creative in bringing others to what is right, thus enabling them to enjoy the only life they have on earth.

Destiny Number

With Number 4 as the destiny number, the individual has excellent potential for managerial work. He has obvious powerful capabilities to manage big organizations. He can take significant responsibilities on himself and fulfil them with precision. He is an efficient person and finds satisfaction in organizing meaningful events, meetings, matters which will be long lasting. This person should learn to be methodical, serious, studious, disciplined, loyal, honest and practical so that others can trust him to get things done correctly. He should not be rigid, stubborn, dull, melancholy and afraid of change.

Destiny Number

This destiny number is possessed by those who love to have changed in their lives. They do not tolerate a stagnating lifestyle. They find fulfilment in having freedom. They delighted in travelling, adventure and challenges in life. Therefore, such a person should learn to change his lifestyle by changing whatever influences his every day, sedentary life. He must ensure not blindly rushing for a change instead of keeping alert for any excellent opportunity to show up for the desired change. He should teach himself to be enthusiastic and adaptable and not over-indulgent, indifferent, vulgar, irritable or wasteful.

Destiny Number

The possessor of this destiny number is affectionate and homely with humanitarian capabilities. He is eager to help those who are unhappy, weak and facing adversity in their lives; he lifts them from their fate and enables them to find happiness in their lives and fulfilment in his own life. He should, therefore, teach himself to be dependable, kind and friendly towards others. He should not be obstinate, irresponsible, unyielding and slow in taking decisions. He can aid someone who cannot decide for help but should not interfere in other peoples affairs unless asked for it.

Destiny Number

The Number 7 in Destiny numbers means someone having teaching capabilities. He is a thinker and a learner of new things and needs good time with himself. He loves to share with others what he has himself learnt. They do it verbally or through impressive writings, thus bringing satisfaction to his life. This person should teach himself to be original, analytical, independent, professional and truthful. He should not be pessimistic, sceptical, aloof, nervous and afraid, and should not find faults with others. He does well by participating in explorations of fields of knowledge like science, mysteries and discoveries.

Destiny Number

Destiny Number 8 belongs to people who desire respect from others and are very ambitious in their lives. Such a person makes it his aim to accomplish great things and achieve outstanding success in his life. He should learn to be self-controlled, diligent, determined to succeed in whatever he does, persevering, hard-working and philosophical. He should set goals and strive to achieve them through diligence. Financial gains will follow him, but he should not make that his aim. He should not be oppressive, bully or authoritative, and not have a hunger for power, fame, money or material gains.

Destiny Number

The Destiny number 9 possessor has great enthusiasm for life. They bring beauty and perfection into their lives and the lives of others. They always contribution to charity, romance and art. Such a person should be of a peaceful mind, kind, generous, forgiving and compassionate at heart, an inspiration to others, strong-willed, artistic, energetic and humane. He should teach himself not to be narrow-minded or of a narrow outlook on life, emotional, impulsive, hasty in losing his temper, bitter in speech and behaviour, a bad influence, and should not be quick to pick up fights.

Destiny Number

This destiny number is the first of the master numbers and announces as 11 or 11/2. It cannot be sum up the number to make 2. People possessing this master number are excellent social workers, advisors, teachers and philosophers. They generally take to a spiritual path in life and become spiritual leaders. They usually enter the spiritual path because they have suffered terribly in their early life and are constantly seeking the truth, and when they find it, they teach others who would listen to them. These people should see the best in others, being compassionate, kind and humble.

Destiny Number

The destiny number 22 is also a master number. It also cannot be added up to make 4. It indicates a person who has the tremendous inner strength to achieve outstanding accomplishments in his life and is a master builder. The individual can excel in whatever work he undertakes and therefore generally takes up massive projects, proving himself to be a great leader. He should teach himself to do things that benefit others, stay humble and be a visionary of outstanding achievements. These people will do well in fields like medicine, law, politics and entertainment.

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