Hi. I am Elva Tan.

Tarot Card Master

Place an appointment with me today, and get to know your past, present and future. I also provide numerology readings to tell you everything about a person based on their date of birth.

Wheel Of Fortune
What I Do

Reading Your Past , Present & Future

Tarot Card Reading

Tarot Card Reading to reveal the Past, Present & future. I will formulate your question and reveal the truth

Numerology Reading

Numerology is the belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events

Per week tarot card reading

Weekly Tarot Card Reading.

Find out your coming future, and be prepared if there is any misfortune, or perhaps you can plan to rejoice as there are fortune coming in. 7 cards equals 7 days equals 1 week. NOW At RM72.00, You get to Forsee the upcoming Future

About Me

Elva Tan

At a very young age, I fell in love with horoscopes, zodiacs, signs, etc. I started to read numerous books because I crave to gain more profound knowledge. I felt I was destined to, especially this all, it had given me hope, cheers, guideline, encouragement & support to me when I needed it the most. Therefore I wish to share this with everyone. Hopefully, I might be able to help.

The Magician

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Tarot Cards




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